Se adjunta borrador del documento recibido de CLECAT sobre su posición de la futura asociación económica entre la UE y el Reino Unido.
CLECAT Circular 2018/105
08 October 2018
From: Dominique Willems
Subject: Final draft Brexit position paper ________________________________ To do: Review paper and provide input by Friday 12 October ________________________________ Dear Members of the Brexit Working Group, Attached to this circular you can find the final draft of CLECAT’s position paper on the future economic partnership between the EU and UK. The amendments to the draft are the result of the meetings held on 17 and 18 September. The changes include:
– A summary has been added
– There is more emphasis on the impact for our industry (of a no-deal situation)
– There is a more detailed analysis of the FCA
– The request for a longer or second transitional period is more specified
– Requests for cooperation in education and recruitment have been added
– The list of possible simplifications has been added as an annex
– The comments of the Commission have been incorporated
– Some textual errors have been corrected
We request you kindly to review the text and provide comments and suggestions by Friday 12 October, end of working day. Input can be sent to<>.
Kind regards,
Dominique Willems
Senior Manager<>
* Final Draft Brexit Positon Paper – Clecat October 2018.docx<>
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