CLECAT Circular 2018/103 (RAIL) – IRG Rail Forum 2018 (FFCC.-F-04/18)

CLECAT Circular 2018/103 (RAIL) – IRG Rail Forum 2018 (FFCC.-F-04/18)
10 octubre, 2018 Ateia


A continuación, nota de CLECAT sobre los principales puntos discutidos en el segundo Foro Anual de IRG Rail, titulado «Calidad en los corredores de carga ferroviaria», que tuvo lugar el pasado 27 de septiembre, en La Haya, con las presentaciones realizadas durante el referido evento y los enlaces correspondientes.




Cesáreo Fernández

Secretario Técnico


Via Laietana, 32-34, 4º · 08003 BARCELONA • (+34) 932 689 430 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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CLECAT Circular 2018/103

07 October 2018


From: Constantino Canu




Subject: CLECAT Circular 2018/103 (RAIL) – IRG Rail Forum 2018 ________________________________ To do:



Dear Member,


Attached you will find a brief note summarizing the main points discussed at the IRG’s Rail’s Second Annual Forum entitled ‘Quality on Rail Freight Corridors’ which took place on the 27th September in the Hague. You can download the presentations given during the event with the below links.


Please note that the next CLECAT Rail Institute meeting will take place on the 14th November in Brussels. (09.30 to 12.30). The agenda of the meeting will follow shortly.


Best regards,


Constantino Canu

Policy Advisor





*   Ci101Aetra_Irg Rail Forum 2018.pdf<>

*   Ci103Arail_Agenda 1 Kpi Monitoring Rfcs.pdf<>

*   Ci103Brail_Agenda 2_1 Presentaion Roberto Genoa.pdf<>

*   Ci103Crail_Agenda 2_2 Presentation Guus De Mol Icm Implementation.pdf<>

*   Ci103Drail_Agenda 2_3 Presentation Andrea Oppliger Disruptions Corridor 1.pdf<>

*   Ci103Erail_Agenda 3 Presentation Christian Template Rfc Day 2018.pdf<>

*   Ci103Frail_Agenda 4 Presentation Philipp Koiser Rne.pdf<>

*   Ci103Grail_Agenda 5 Presentation Karen Davies Era.pdf<>

*   Ci103Hrail_Input Guus De Mol Prorail.pdf<>

*   Ci103Irail_Input Panel Mark Jansen Hupac.pdf<>

*   Ci103Jrail_Input Sheets Erfa Julia Lamb.pdf<>

*   Ci103Krail_Input Sheets I&m Rob Morsink.pdf<>

*   Ci103Lrail_Input Sheets Railgood Hanswillem Vroon.pdf<>



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(European Association for Forwarding, Transport, Logistics and Customs Services)


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