FIATA E-Flash No. 179 – 23 July 2018 (R.EMP.-F- 40/18)

FIATA E-Flash No. 179 – 23 July 2018 (R.EMP.-F- 40/18)
27 julio, 2018 Ateia







FIATA – Participation in UN’s SDG Business Forum Highlight Role of Trade

Leaders from business, Governments, civil society and the United Nations met at the third annual SDG Business Forum to set a new direction to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.

FIATA participated on a panel, through FIATA Logistics Academy Chairman Mr. Issa Baluch, focusing on policy reforms related to trade that would ultimately help achieve an array of SDGs such as poverty reduction, job creation and sustainable consumption of resources. Further details will be released.

For details on the event please visit:


GIFF (Ghana) – Freight Forwarders Score Paperless Reforms 65%

Barely a year into the implementation of the paperless clearance system, the Ghana Institute of Freight Forwarders (GIFF) has scored the initiative 65% for easing business transactions at the ports, although it maintains there is room for improvement.

The President of GIFF, Mr Kwabena Ofosu Appiah said the paperless system would have recorded 85 per cent had the compliance stage been abolished when the system took off last year.

For more details, please visit:



BIFA (UK) – Freight Forwarders Association Expressed Mixed Feelings on Brexit White Paper

Responding to the White Paper outlining the UK Government’s proposed future relationship between the UK and European Union after Brexit, Robert Keen, Director General of the British International Freight Association (BIFA) expressed mixed feelings about its contents.

«The White Paper addresses some of the issues that BIFA has highlighted over the past two years, including retaining something as close to the Single Market and Customs Union as is possible, with positive ideas on future Customs matters and international trading arrangements.»

For more details, please visit:


BIFA (UK) – Freight Forwarders Welcome MP’s Back for Expanding Heathrow Airport

Speaking after parliamentary vote in favour of the National Policy Statement for Heathrow expansion, Robert Keen, BIFA Director General said: «Whilst BIFA welcomes the positive news from Parliament, media coverage of the obstacles that the project still faces leave me with a certain sense of foreboding whether the spades will ever hit the ground.»

Mr. Keen added: «Detailed plans will still need to be drawn up, and will again have to go out for public consultation. There is talk of several local authorities around Heathrow mounting a legal challenge, as well as a judicial review. Separate reviews of flight paths and airspace are also required.»

For more details, please visit:


SLFFA (Sri Lanka) – 37th Annual General Meeting Held

The Sri Lanka Logistics & Freight Forwarders’ Association (SLFFA) held its 37th Annual General Meeting on July 6, 2018. The Chief Guest for the occasion was Rajendra Theagarajah, Managing Director/CEO of Cargills Bank Limited and the Chairman of the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce.

For more details, please visit:



WTO – DG Azevêdo Receives Experts’ Report on Future of Global Trade Governance

WTO Director-General Roberto Azevêdo met on 17 July with representatives of the Bertelsmann Stiftung’s High-Level Board of Experts to receive their report on the Future of Global Trade Governance. The report outlines four complementary avenues that can be pursued to revitalize the WTO as a forum for trade cooperation and conflict resolution.

For more details please visit:


WTO – Rate of New Trade Restrictions from G20 Economies Doubles

The WTO’s 19th monitoring report on G20 Economies trade measures (mid-October 2017 to mid-May 2018) shows that new trade-restrictive measures from G20 economies have doubled compared to the previous review period. In the meantime, G20 economies continue to implement trade-facilitating measures, with the rate increasing slightly.

The report’s findings should be of ‘real concern’ to the international community, according to Director-General Roberto Azevêdo.

For more details, please visit:


Vera Songwe Urges Nigeria to Join AfCFTA

Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) Executive Secretary, Vera Songwe, urged Nigeria to join the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) movement after appropriate consultations and offered ECA support to help the West African country join South Africa and 48 other countries in signing the AfCFTA.

For more details, please visit:


Singapore and Thailand sign an AEO-Mutual Recognition Arrangement

Singapore and Thailand signed a Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) on 29 June 2018 on the sidelines of the 132nd WCO Council Session. Under this MRA, companies certified by Singapore Customs as having robust security practices will enjoy faster clearance for their goods exported to Thailand. Recognised as having lower risks, these companies will benefit from reduced documentary and cargo inspections. Likewise, companies certified by Thailand will enjoy the same level of facilitation for their goods exported to Singapore.

For more details, please visit:



WCO – Global Standards on E-commerce Published

The WCO published the Framework of Standards on Cross-Border E-Commerce <> as adopted at the end of June 2018, together with a Resolution <> aimed at ensuring its harmonized and effective implementation.

The essence of the Framework is the exchange of advance electronic data for effective risk management and enhanced facilitation of growing volumes of cross-border small and low-value business-to-consumer (B2C) and consumer-to-consumer (C2C) shipments, and the adoption of simplified procedures with respect to clearance.

For more details, please visit:



Container Capacity Curbed amid Signs of Slowing Volume Growth

There are growing signs that containerized trade on the main east-west trade lanes is beginning to slow, with the decline in volume pushing up the number of idle ships as carriers slash capacity in a struggle to match supply with demand.

Trans-Pacific trade is already under pressure, with US imports from Asia 2.7% lower than in April 2017. On the Asia-Europe trade, latest data show that volume rose just 0.7% in the first five months compared to 4.4% growth last year. Carriers on the trans-Pacific planned to reduce capacity by 6.7% this month mainly due to a series of tariffs announced by the Trump administration and the Chinese government. Several carriers on Asia-North Europe and Asia-Mediterranean trades have also announced capacity cuts, but mainly for traditional summer slowdown before peak season in September.

For more details, please visit:



IATA – Air Freight Growth Continues to Grow Modestly in May, Up 4.2%

IATA released data for global air freight markets showing that demand rose 4.2% in May 2018, compared to the same period the year before. This was slightly down from the 5.2% (revised from 4.1%) growth in annual demand recorded in April 2018. Freight capacity grew by 6.2% year-on-year in May 2018. This was the fourth month in a row that capacity growth outstripped demand growth.

For more details, please visit:



EU Digital Logistics Platform Puts e-CMR to the Test

Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Romania and Serbia will start testing electronic consignment notes (e-CMR) on cross-border transport. The goal is to streamline logistics operations by developing a cloud-based IT platform for supply chain actors to exchange data and services.

By using e-CMR for the trial, the transport operators will be able to input electronically, store logistics information and exchange data, in real time via a mobile phone or tablet. The timely recording of data means that agencies instantly receive information on the goods being transported. Hence, any required subsequent actions, happen faster and at less cost.

For more details, please visit:


IRU – Deadlock over Mobility Package 1 will harm the European Economy

Members of the European Parliament rejected for the second time the three proposals on posting of workers, driving and rest time rules and access to the profession and to the road haulage market.

Matthias Maedge of IRU commented: «The European Parliament has lost precious time. It may take years to find workable solutions and the industry has to stay with a patchwork of national rules. It is now time to rethink the purpose of the Mobility Package 1 and the ambitions the European Commission has by the end of the mandate.»

For more details, please visit:



World’s First Practical Use of Networked Truck Convoys in Germany

DB Schenker together with MAN Truck & Bus and Hochschule Fresenius University of Applied Sciences have sent two digitally networked trucks into practical use. A truck «platoon» set off from the DB Schenker branch office in Neufahrn near Munich via the A9 digital test field to Nuremberg.

Federal Transportation Minister Andreas Scheuer said: «This is a visionary research project for our digital test site, the A9 highway. The project marks the start of the automated and networked future of road haulage. Our opportunities: logistics processes-from ramp to customer-can become safer, more efficient and more environmentally friendly. And truck drivers can become modern logistics specialists in digital trucks.

For more details, please visit:



UNFCCC – Zero Emission Vehicle Challenge Launched

Ahead of the Global Climate Action Summit in San Francisco in September, co-chaired by the UN’s top climate change official Patricia Espinosa, states, regions, cities and international businesses groups and other NGOs are urging the rapid adoption of electric vehicles around the world to decarbonize the transport sector.

The transport sector is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions, and with emissions form the sector projected to steeply grow under a business as usual scenario, ground-breaking solutions are needed to progress towards climate neutrality. Electric vehicles, powered by clean, renewable energy, have strong potential to help fight both air pollution and climate change.

Read more at:



Lufthansa Cargo to Offer Digital Freight Capacity Booking

Lufthansa Cargo has released plans to offer digital freight capacity booking in a new partnership with the software-as-a-service (SaaS) company, serves as a platform for carriers to host and market their available capacity to forwarders. The service already offers capacity on Austrian Airlines and EuroWings.

Lufthansa Cargo has announced a change in policy in March to charge an extra €12 processing fee per transaction for customers that choose not to opt for electronic air waybills, as opposed to paper method.

For more details, please visit:


Duly-accredited Organisation of Filipino Freight Forwarders in UAE

Talks have begun for the establishment of a duly-accredited organisation of all Philippine freight forwarding companies in the UAE to better serve the over 600,000 Filipinos and to protect the legitimate from «fly-by-night» operators.

Charmaine Mignon Yalong released to media the complete list of accredited Philippine cargo companies with UAE counterparts based on the May 31, 2018 data of Manila’s Department of Trade and Industry-Trade Enforcement Bureau (DTI-FTEB). On record are 37 freight forwarders, seven of which are hubbed in Abu Dhabi, one in Umm Al Quwain and the remaining 29 in Dubai.

For more details, please visit:






FIATA – Participation in UN’s SDG Business Forum Highlight Role of Trade


FIATA – Participation in UN’s SDG Business Forum Highlight Role of Trade


BIFA (UK) – Freight Forwarders Association Expressed Mixed Feelings on Brexit White Paper


BIFA (UK) – Freight Forwarders Welcome MP’s Back for Expanding Heathrow Airport


SLFFA (Sri Lanka) – 37th Annual General Meeting Held


WTO – DG Azevêdo Receives Experts’ Report on Future of Global Trade Governance


WTO – Rate of New Trade Restrictions from G20 Economies Doubles


Vera Songwe Urges Nigeria to Join AfCFTA


Singapore and Thailand sign an AEO-Mutual Recognition Arrangement


WCO – Global Standards on E-commerce Published


Container Capacity Curbed amid Signs of Slowing Volume Growth


IATA – Air Freight Growth Continues to Grow Modestly in May, Up 4.2%


EU Digital Logistics Platform Puts e-CMR to the Test


IRU – Deadlock over Mobility Package 1 will harm the European Economy


World’s First Practical Use of Networked Truck Convoys in Germany


UNFCCC – Zero Emission Vehicle Challenge Launched


Lufthansa Cargo to Offer Digital Freight Capacity Booking


Duly-accredited Organisation of Filipino Freight Forwarders in UAE

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